Channel: Pencilmation
Category: Entertainment
Tags: animated cartoons charactersstick figureanimated short filmssplendid cartoonstick figure animationspencilmation cartoonsfunny videoanimated cartoonanimation charactersross bollingerfunny cartooncartoon seriespencil mationfunny clipsyoutube cartoonspencilpencilmateanimationanimated shortsfunny animationpencilmisscartoonspencilmation2d animationpencil animation
Description: Pencilmate is desperate to find out what Mini-Pencilmate is laughing at, and that's no joke! 🙌Merch! ➡️ 🎮 Get the Pencilmation game! ➡️ Apple App Store Download: ➡️ Play Store Download: ✏️✏️ Learn to draw from the Pencilmation team ➡️ TikTok: Facebook: Episodes in this compilation: 0:00 - A TOTAL DIS-LAUGHTER Pencilmate is desperate to find out what Mini-Pencilmate is laughing at, and that's no joke! 3:14 - LOWER THE HEALTHBAR Pencilmate suddenly has a healthbar? Will he respawn when it gets to ZERO! 6:04 - ALMOIST FAMOUS Pencilmate has the BEST HANDS in the business! Would you shake his hand? 9:45 - BLACKOUT Pencilmate gets lost in the dark! Will the white pencil crayon finally let him escape the abyss? 12:30 - AT MY ZITS END Pencilmate has a zit emergency! Will he be ready for his date with Pencilmiss?! 15:22 - DO IT YOURSELFIE Pencilmate can't stop taking SEwLFIES! But what's that in the background..? 18:14 - NO MAN'S HAND Pencilmate finds an arm... WHY'S IT ATTACHING TO HIM?! 21:20 - HANSEL AND REGRETEL A witch lures Pencilmate and Pencilmiss to her lair... but who's REALLY the victim here?! 23:10 - WISHFUL THINKING Pencilmate finds a magical lamp and gets to make ONE wish... will it really come true?? 25:50 - CLOVER THE TOP Pencilmate finds a four leaf clover! What great luck will befall him today? 27:50 - MERMAID OF HONOR Pencilmate catches a very hungry mermaid! 30:19 - SHOE LA LA Pencilmate gets some fancy new (but very squeaky) sneakers. 31:50 - HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS Harry Potter Pencilmation style is back! Follow Harry in our summed up version of the second book. #pencilmation, #cartoon Executive Producer - Ross Bollinger Co-Producer - Dane Georges Associate Producer - Ama Bollinger Script - Dane Georges Storyboards - Suman Manna Lead Animation - Adriano Correia Inbetween Animation - Adriano Correia Director - Rebecca Ambrose & Francis Florencio Voice Characterization - Joe Porter Music - Brendan Cooney Palette - Rebecca Ambrose Backgrounds - Shirin Rafie Sound Design - George Pautkin Coloring - Caterina Cervellin Animatic - Laverne Moi Compositing - Francis Florencio Production Manager - Tess Mendoza Head of Production - Valentin Prossliner Production Coordinators - Greg Pearce, Tyler S. Woll & Hunter Webster Production Analyst - Cameron Jones Thumbnail Illustrator - Andrew Howell Compilation Editor - Giomarco Quiros